Hutton Minimal 🐶

This is a Pico-8 demake of the infamous flight to Hutton Orbital in Elite Dangerous. Originally, it is a space station 0,22 lightyears away from its star. It takes over one and a half hour in real time to reach it. Players either hate or love it. I for myself love it and decided to make this little game about it. But don't worry: You don't have to fly over an hour. The T-5 hauler featured in this demake is fitted with the finest thruster technology. This baby will take you to Hutton Minimal in about 15 minutes! Free conda and all.

The Rogue like Update 3.1!

- New events added.
- Added GFX for battles and upgrades.
- New title screen animation.
- Optimized controls to be playable with one hand.
- New scoring system at the end of a run.
- General balancing tweaks.
- An otter joke.

The Rogue like Update 3.0!

I have further refined the game in this updated version. Here are some significant changes:

  • You can now see the value of your opponent's dice roll. You can also see the probability of winning.
  • Removed all "detour" events from the game.
  • Added a scoring system. Nothing fancy. The sum of your hull and payload is your score by the time you get to Hutton.
  • A terminal message system at the top of the screen now shows the results of all events.
  • Overall balance. It's still not a hard game, but I like it that way.
  • New music and sounds added to the game.
  • Slight overhaul of visual effects and graphics.
  • New splash screen.


  • A lot of commodities ranging from alpacas to rare PlayStation 5 consoles.
  • A ton of monologue.
  • New spaceship never seen before in the Elite universe.
  • Random encounters from rogue space corgies to corrupt authorities.

Where can I play it?

Play it right here in the browser at the top of the page.
Or download the cart and play it in your PICO-8 fantasy console.
Or search for "Hutton Minimal" in Splore of your PICO-8 fantasy console.


C, V, Arrow keys.
Or use a gamepad.


Cover art by ArtVBurry 🍓


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

Hutton Minimal (PICO-8 cartridge) 43 kB
Hutton Minimal (macOS) 7.3 MB
Hutton Minimal (Linux) 763 kB
Hutton Minimal (Windows) 1,001 kB
Hutton Minimal (Raspberry Pi) 2.1 MB
Hutton Minimal Cover.png 1.9 MB

Development log


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OMG I didn’t stop at the end… Very nice game ! I love the parallax effect for the background and the little dish on top !

Thanks! At least you got a Pawchievement (press down at the title screen) 😅